Friday 31 August 2012

Ascending and Descending

Ascending and Descending is a lithograph print by the Dutch artist M. C. Escher which was first printed in March 1960.
Description: I see a building with 3 or 4 levels to it. On the platforms there are little figures with heads down and hoods on, walking around or sitting on ledges. There is a staircase in the top level but it doesn't go anywhere as it is a neverending cycle of up and down. when you look closely to the details of the stairs on the bottom floor or the pillars they don't make sense but this is what makes Eschers art so popular and interesting.
My Interpretation: In this piece of art by Escher i Interpret it as meaning how life is a neverending cycle and you have your ups and downs and how sometimes you feel like your going nowhere. The people are walking in different directions because to me it represents peoples difference in opinions, ideas and way of life. I believe the people sitting alone on the ledges represent the moments in life whe you feel disconnected from the rest of society. I believe the buildings levels represent the ages in your life and how you may feel as you get to each one.

Self Portrait in Spherical Mirror

Self-Portrait in Spherical Mirror is a lithograph print by Dutch artist M. C. Escher, first printed in January 1935.

Drawing Hands

Drawing Hands is a lithograph by the Dutch artist M. C. Escher first printed in January 1948.

Escher Interview

special fact

The Nazi persecution of the Jews touched Escher in a very personal way. His old teacher, Samuel de Mesquita, (a jew) who also produced etchings, lithographs, watercolors and drawings, primarily known for his woodblock prints, was taken away by the Nazis in January of 1944, and was killed. Escher helped to save some of his art from his home. He kept for himself a sketch that bore the imprint of a German boot, and kept it with his drawing supplies for the rest of his life. Samuel de Mesquita had a big influence on Escher.

M.C. Escher Biography

Maurits Cornelis (M.C.) Escher was born on June 17, 1898, in Leeuwarden, Holland and passed away on March 27, 1972. In secondary school, Eschers marks were poor except in drawing. His art teacher took an interest in his drawing talent, and taught him to make linocuts. In 1921, Escher and his parents visited the Riviera and Italy. He did detailed drawings of cacti and olive trees, because he was unimpressed by the tropical flowers. Escher would go to high places to sketch the dramatic views some of his later works were inspired by these views. During Eschers travels he encountered many different styles of art which helped inspire his drawing talent.  In 1923, he married Jetta Umiker, the daughter of a Swiss manufacturer. They had lived in Italy more than ten years, and in 1935 they moved to Switzerland and later to Belgium. Escher gained popularity after the end World War II. Eventually Escher moved back to his home country, Holland where he disregarded his poor health and passed away at the age of 73. Escher's work inspired numerous artists around the world. Among them are Jos de Mey, Sandro del Prete and Ostvan Orosz. Artworks of Escher have even gained popularity among mathematians because of his works like "metamorphisis".